Our Services
With consulting services, the association supports businesses in making the best use of artificial intelligence and data. Consulting services consist of various consulting offers, which are selected according to the strategy, resources and needs of the company and are formed into a single, customized package for the company.
With training and educational services, the association supports businesses, entrepreneurs and employees in increasing productivity. Training and education services consist of various general and sectoral trainings and special courses tailored to the company.
Consulting Services
AI/Data Readiness Assessment
A thorough assessment of the company's existing data infrastructure, talent, skills and processes to determine the potential and direction of AI implementation
Proof of Concept development
Support in building a small-scale AI model to demonstrate its feasibility and value for solving a business problem
Developing an AI Strategy
Prepare a roadmap for the company outlining how AI can solve specific business challenges, set realistic goals, and develop an implementation plan
Selection of AI Tools or Contractor
Support businesses in finding, clarifying and selecting AI tools and platforms, as well as providers
Preparation of Technical Requirements Document
Support company to prepare technical requirements document tailored to the real business needs and facilitate vendor communication process
Education and Trainings
AI 101: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
AI for Financial Analysis and Auditing
Prompt Engineering and Working with AI (ChatGPT, Google Gemini)
AI and CRM systems
Multimodal Generative AI
Training tailored to the organization
AI for Visual Content Creation
Contact Us
To work together on services tailored to your company or organization
info@aiassociation.ge | 995 558 25 72 82